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The Blossom Babies 

Infant Program

Ages 6 weeks - 18 Months

Are you anxious about leaving your baby for the first time? We work closely with you to understand your infant’s unique schedule and needs. As well, daily written communications of your child’s day helps keep you connected. Our small group size allows you the opportunity to develop trusting relationships with the teaching team. Your child’s daily schedule is accommodated by the educators so we know exactly when your baby needs to nap, eat and have quiet activity.


Our Infant Program accepts children from the early age of six weeks through to 18 months, and has been specially designed to create a warm and secure environment for infants as an extension of their home. Our infant rooms accommodate crawling infants or non-mobile, in a peaceful classroom environment. Your infant can safely explore and feel secure in the presence of our loving educators.


Our infant environment supports the sense of belonging, well-being and includes developmentally appropriate furniture and materials. Our infant programs are designed to maximize learning and engagement for children of all developmental levels. Our team of handpicked individuals are very committed to your child’s healthy development, and will work nonstop throughout the day to ensure that all your child’s needs have been met.

The Center’s loving and nurturing atmosphere helps infants develop a sense of trust, autonomy, encourages curiosity and motivates learning.


High Quality Center Design


Each room is designed to support the subject of that day and all activities provided in that room with be at the developing level of that particular group. We have a Science and Technology room that develops children love of science experiments and cycles of life, earth, and animals. Children start to learn coding and managing technology for their educational benefit. We use a combination of teacher and student activities for solo activities and challenging Montessori type activities for students to work independently.


The Math and Literacy class assist children in their reading and language knowledge. We teach children the basics of sounding out letters to start their advanced reading skills. We utilize provincial educational programing like Dreambox and a promising reading program Read Stability to promote education in a fun and interactive way. We allow children the independence to work on the subjects of their choice which are all literacy and math based.


The Community and Construction room is dedicated to building and creativity by manipulating objects into reality from imagination. We also come together as a class to collectivity brain storm ways to help the community and fundraise for local groups. This is where we talk together as a group about local and world issues children may be concerned or interested in. We teach children how to work together in groups and allow children to choose from a wide variety of construction material, such as Lego, large and small hollow blocks, natural wood blocks, playdough and sensory boxes.


In our Main room we have the circle carpet for group reading and group discussions. Children attempt to achieve their “counted to 100” badge and prize. As well we talk about the weather, season and upcoming national events. There is also a kid’s town full or all natural high end role playing materials. This is where children allow their imagination to go wild and become professionals they so desire to become imitating their parents. This area also has sensory tables for children who enjoy touching and feeling as they learn.


Lastly, we have our Art and Music room filled with everything possible for children to create anything they desire. Toddlers use their senses to explore materials—objects to bang and make noises with. Each day we offer several craft ideas or allow the children to create something to reflect their feeling or expression. Along with this we have a drama area with dress up clothing and a puppet theater. We provide children with every appropriate musical instrument including a guitar, piano and Karaoke machine. Kids enjoy our dance off competitions and music games like musical chairs. Children bring their feelings and thoughts to life in this classroom.


How Does Divine Care Academy Provide High Quality Care?


Our center is full of soft carpets, quiet areas, comforting family photos, colorful toys, and exciting learning materials. Effective teachers design classrooms that are organized and familiar which encourage children's learning.


Play spaces are organized by interest areas. For example, there are areas with materials for quiet play and more active play. Toddlers can play alone or in small groups. Children have many opportunities for active play. The play equipment is safe and challenging for toddlers. We have 3 options for physical play ensuring children are physically active even during bad weather days. Teachers read intriguing stories to children and provide sturdy board books for toddlers to look at. The books reflect the children's languages, cultures, and families. 


Toddlers love to move—climbing, jumping, dancing! Teachers offer your child many ways to be active, both indoors and outdoors. They also provide materials and activities that interest children his age and help improve his hand coordination, like scribbling with crayons and stacking toys.


Cognitive development is your child's ability to make sense of the world around him. It includes memory, language, thinking, and reasoning. Classrooms are set up so toddlers can learn to how to solve problems by sorting objects, doing puzzles, taking things apart and fitting them back together, and so much more! Teachers offer children a range of activities and experiences that inspire and challenge them.


Teachers are trained to spend a lot of time talking to children so that they learn how words should sound and how conversations go back and forth. They read books with simple stories and use songs, rhymes, and finger plays that have repeating patterns.


Hours Of Operation

Full Day Program: 6:15 am – 6:30 pm Monday to Friday

Extended Hours (additional charges): 6:00 pm – 8pm

Part-Time Program: 6:45am - 6:30 pm



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Monday - Friday            8:00 am - 5:30 pm


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